Sunday, 28 February 2010

Hanging in there...

I cannot explain why, at this time of great weariness (Sarah, my beloved, has a new job in London - this involves us setting the alarm for really silly hours in the morning) I am enjoying (!) a really prolific spell. I am SO TIRED. There, I've said it. Yet out of this daftness seems to come films, images and lots of folio watching....
College work is tough but wonderful, if that doesn't sound a contradiction. Students are buzzing away, getting places at universities and generally keeping me real and happy.
Jess brought me back the catalogue / book from the Van Doesbur exhibition at Tate Modern, this is giving me a lot of pleasure at the moment, and I am looking forward to seeing it for myself - perhaps once this term is out of the way.
And, to cap it all, as I type this, there is a blackbird singing in my garden - it is dark and 6.00pm - this is a sure sign that spring is on her way.....thank fuck for that.

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